The People Factor Podcast | Episode #42

Unlocking Talent Acquisition Secrets: Insights from Tanya Channing

In today's dynamic business landscape, talent acquisition is more than just a buzzword; it's the backbone of any successful company. But how do tech companies, especially in the global market, ensure they're...

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Thomas Kohler

Founder & CEO

Tanya Channing - Chief People and Culture Officer at Pipedrive. She is guest at the 42nd episode of Thomas Kohler's The People Factor Podcast.
Tanya Channing

Chief People and Culture Officer

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In today’s dynamic business landscape, talent acquisition is more than just a buzzword; it’s the backbone of any successful company. But how do tech companies, especially in the global market, ensure they’re recruiting the right talent? How do they foster a culture that not only attracts top-tier professionals but also retains them?

For insights, I recently had an engaging conversation with Tanya Channing, Chief People & Culture Officer at Pipedrive. With a rich background of over 20 years in the people realm, her experiences range from the successful IPO of Worldpay to brand magnates like Burger King and Red Bull. Here’s a distillation of our chat, chalked full of wisdom and strategies.

The Indomitable Bridge Between Value & Growth

“Sustaining a culture is actually quite difficult. It takes a long time to build but breaking it is quite easy.” – Tanya Channing.

Sustaining a Culture

While cultures can take eons to establish, they’re fragile – easily disrupted and hard to mend. It’s akin to constructing a sandcastle; the foundation might take hours, but one wave can wash it away. However, unlike the transient nature of a sandcastle, a strong culture can be the cornerstone of a company’s success.

Feedback is Gold

According to Tanya, a strong feedback culture that prioritizes the voice of employees and customers alike is paramount. Such feedback loops can reveal cracks in the culture, allowing for timely interventions.


At Pipedrive, they believe in self-empowered employees and teams. A strong recruiting process ensures that talents don’t just fit the job description but align seamlessly with their teams.


A tight customer journey process and consistent optimization efforts ensure that the company’s culture is always aligned with its primary stakeholder: the customer.

Purpose of People Teams: Beyond Just Recruitment

In most tech companies, ‘People Teams’ often find themselves pigeonholed into the recruitment category. However, the essence of people teams lies in optimization and value creation.

Journey Optimization

From the moment an employee steps into the company to their eventual growth trajectories, every touchpoint is an opportunity for optimization. A thoughtful employee journey can make all the difference in retention.

Physical and Digital Symbiosis

In an age where the lines between the digital and physical worlds blur, the focus isn’t just on the digital experience but the holistic journey of a colleague.

The Colleague Experience Team

At Pipedrive, they’ve taken an innovative approach with the creation of the ‘Colleague Experience Team’. This team is dedicated to ensuring the well-being and holistic growth of their peers.

Diversity as a Strength

Varied perspectives foster creativity. Embracing diversity isn’t just a corporate responsibility but a growth strategy.

The Power of Assignment

Assigning individuals to work streams outside their usual roles can ignite creativity, drive skill development, and foster a culture of continuous learning.

The Transformative Power of Psychologists in Tech Spaces

Mental health in the workplace isn’t just a trend; it’s a necessity. And tech companies are realizing that having clinically trained psychologists isn’t just about employee well-being but about tapping into deeper understandings of human behavior.

Beyond Well-being

While mental health is paramount, the role of psychologists in tech spaces like Pipedrive transcends it. They bring insights into team dynamics, help navigate inter-personal challenges, and can be instrumental in strategic decision-making.

Understanding Behavior

With their grasp of human behavior, psychologists can aid in crafting more effective customer journeys, refining product experiences, and even in talent acquisition processes.


In conclusion, as tech companies in the global market evolve, so do their talent acquisition strategies. Conversations with leaders like Tanya Channing shed light on the intricate tapestry of processes, strategies, and innovations that drive successful talent acquisition and retention. The key takeaway? It’s all about people. From feedback cultures to embracing the power of psychologists, prioritizing the human element ensures sustainable growth.

Tanya Channing - Chief People and Culture Officer at Pipedrive. She is guest at the 42nd episode of Thomas Kohler's The People Factor Podcast.

About the guest

Tanya Channing

Tanya Channing is a seasoned leader with over 20 years of experience in the people field and shaping company culture and is currently Chief People & Culture Officer at Pipedrive. Prior to this, she played a pivotal role in the successful IPO of Worldpay, one of Europe’s largest IPOs. Tanya’s expertise extends across various sectors, including renowned brands like Burger King and Red Bull.