The People Factor Podcast | Episode #46

Evolving Trends in Engineering Recruitment and Leadership: Insights from Rudi Bauer of WeAreDevelopers

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Thomas Kohler

Gründer & CEO

Rudi Bauer - Managing Director at WeAreDevelopers. He is guest at the 46th episode of Thomas Kohler's The People Factor Podcast.
Rudi Bauer

Managing Director

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In a thought-provoking podcast episode, Rudi Bauer, the Managing Director at WeAreDevelopers, shares his extensive insights on the changing landscape of hiring engineers and effective leadership in the tech industry. With over 29 years of experience in management and leadership across telecom, IT, and advertising sectors, Bauer offers valuable perspectives on the evolving recruitment trends, the role of communities like WeAreDevelopers, and the essence of impactful leadership.

Recruitment Trends in 2023 and Beyond

The hiring landscape for engineers is shifting significantly. Bauer highlights the increasing importance of understanding and connecting with engineers beyond financial incentives. He notes that 43% of developers might accept a lower salary if offered substantial career development opportunities. This trend suggests a move towards valuing personal growth and supportive work environments over traditional financial rewards.

Job Fairness and Changing Priorities

The WeAreDevelopers’ Job Fairness Report reveals intriguing changes in what engineers deem important. Key findings include a rise in the importance of career development opportunities and sustainable practices within companies. Interestingly, smaller companies are now getting better chances to attract top talent due to these evolving preferences, leveling the playing field in the tech recruitment sector.

Building Communities and Bridging Gaps

Bauer discusses WeAreDevelopers’ efforts in creating a thriving community for engineers. Through initiatives like conferences and topic-specific virtual events, they facilitate growth, learning, and networking opportunities, effectively bridging the gap between companies and potential engineering candidates.

Encouraging Female Participation in Tech

Addressing social demographics and the gender gap in engineering, Bauer emphasizes the need to inspire more women to enter tech roles. He advocates for starting this change from early education, nurturing interest and skills in technology among young girls, crucial for balancing gender representation in the tech industry.

Redefining Management and Leadership

Bauer shares his philosophy on leadership versus management. True leadership, according to him, is about inspiring and guiding teams towards a shared vision, not just managing processes. He advocates for leadership styles that empower employees, foster trust, and blur the hierarchical lines, differentiating leaders from traditional managers.


Rudi Bauer’s insights offer a comprehensive look into the current and future trends of engineering recruitment and leadership. His emphasis on understanding engineers’ aspirations, fostering diversity, and cultivating empowering leadership provides a roadmap for businesses and managers in the tech sector to adapt and thrive in this evolving landscape.

Rudi Bauer - Managing Director at WeAreDevelopers. He is guest at the 46th episode of Thomas Kohler's The People Factor Podcast.

About the guest

Rudi Bauer

Rudi Bauer was Managing Director of StepStone Austria from 2014 to the end of 2019 and also Chief Evangelist of StepStone Group from 2018 to 2020. He now has 29 years of management and leadership experience in the telecom, IT and advertising industries. In addition to his current role as CCO and Managing Director at, he is also co-founder of the Vienna-based agency active concepts, focusing on corporate culture, coaching, strategy consulting and team development.