The People Factor Podcast | Episode #33

Anna Michel | Founder @ The Secret Society of Awesome Business Women

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Thomas Kohler

Gründer & CEO

Portrait of Anna Michel - Founder at The Secret Society of Awesome Business Women. She is guest at the 33rd episode of Thomas Kohler's The People Factor Podcast.
Anna Michel


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Portrait of Anna Michel - Founder at The Secret Society of Awesome Business Women. She is guest at the 33rd episode of Thomas Kohler's The People Factor Podcast.

About the guest

Anna Michel

Anna is a Business Coach and Consultant with a specialisation in Strategy, Performance Culture and Organisational Design. Based on her own experience both as a former serial entrepreneur and scaleup coach, Anna helps leadership teams navigate the strategic transformations that are paramount to long-term business success. She combines a select toolkit of frameworks and methodologies with an experienced practitioner’s best-practice know-how to create an ideal management operating system for scaling companies and teams. Applying a holistic view, she helps founders and their teams identify and resolve blind spots throughout the entire organisation, enabling companies – and the people within them – to thrive.