The People Factor Podcast | Episode #26

Charlotte von Riess | Director Talent Acquisition at Doctolib

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Thomas Kohler

Gründer & CEO

Portrait of Charlotte von Riess - Director Talent Acquisition at Doctolib and guest at the 26th episode of Thomas Kohler's The People Factor Podcast
Charlotte von Riess

Director Talent Acquisition

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Portrait of Charlotte von Riess - Director Talent Acquisition at Doctolib and guest at the 26th episode of Thomas Kohler's The People Factor Podcast

About the guest

Charlotte von Riess

Charlotte von Riess is the Director of Talent Acquisition of Doctolib, a healthcare Scale-up from France. Charlotte has a background in Sourcing, Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition at the probably biggest TA organization in Germany, Deutsche Bahn. She is also an Ambassador for female HR excellence and a global leader.